Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Content
  3. Music


At Clayton Brook Primary School, we use the Charanga Musical School Scheme of Work to cover all aspects of the National Curriculum.  Each class are taught at least three units per academic year that involve: listening and appraising music, singing, playing instruments, improvising and composing.  Each unit has a fantastic finish of a performance by the children.  In Years 3 and 4, the children are taught how to play the glockenspiel so have plenty of practice playing and reading music.

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The Choir and Year 4 sang beautifully at Clayton Brook Church and Year 6 did a fantastic job of telling the Christmas story.

Let's Go Sing 2024

Monday 11th March 24


Let's Go Sing 2024

The choir and Year 4 children performed at King George's Hall on Monday 11th March.  They were amazing!  Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support our school.



The children enjoyed their first training session.

Here we are enjoying our second training session with Matthew from Let's Go Sing!

In Year 1, the children are taught Rhythm In The Way We Walk, The Banana Rap, In The Groove and Your Imagination.

 Knowledge Organiser - In The Groove— Year 1 Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Rhythm In The Way We Walk _ Banana Rap - Year 1 Autumn.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Your Imagination - Year 1 Summer.pdfDownload
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In Year 2, the children are taught the Units: Hands, Feet, Heart, Zootime and Friendship Song.

 Knowledge Organiser - Friendship Song - Year 2 Autumn.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Hands, Feet, Heart - Year 2, Summer.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Zootime - Year 2 Spring.pdfDownload
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In Year 3, the children are taught the Units: Let Your Spirit Fly, Glockenspiel Stage 1 and Three Little Birds

 Knowledge Organiser - Glockenspiel Stage 1 - Year 3, Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Let Your Spirit Fly - Year 3, Autumn.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Three Little Birds - Year 3, Summer.pdfDownload
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Year 3 are learning the song Let Your Spirit Fly and have also learnt the glockenspiel part to play too.

In Year 3, the children have been copying rhythms using glockenspiels.  They are practicing their song ready for a performance in the Spring Term.

In Year 3, the children have been learning new songs to play and improvising too.

In Music, we have learnt the words crotchet, minim, semibreve, dynamics, pitch and tempo.  We have also played crotchets, minims and semibreves using the notes D, E and F.

Year 3 have started to learn the song Three Little Birds.

Year 3 have added instruments to their performance.

Here are Year 3 improvising with their glockenspiels.

Year 3 are now confident when singing Three Little Birds.

In Year 4, the children are taught the Units: Mamma Mia, Glockenspiel Stage 2 and Lean on Me.

 Knowledge Organiser - Glockenspiel Stage 2 - Year 4, Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Lean On Me - Year 4, Summer.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Mamma Mia - Year 4 Autumn.pdfDownload
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In Year 5, the children are taught the Units: Livin' On A Prayer, Make you feel my love and Fresh Prince of Belair

 Knowledge Organiser - Make You Feel My Love - Year 5 Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air - Year 5, Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser – Livin’ On A Prayer – Year 5, Autumn.pdfDownload
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Year 5 have enjoyed singing the song Make you feel my love and even played instruments with the song too.

Year 5 have started to learn the song The Fresh Prince of Belair.

In Year 6, the children are taught the Units: Happy, Music and Me and You've Got a Friend

 Knowledge Organiser - Happy - Year 6 - Autumn.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Music and Me - Year 6 - Spring.pdfDownload
 Knowledge Organiser - Youve Got A Friend - Year 6 - Summer.pdfDownload
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