Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Content

Curriculum Content 


Our curriculum has been designed to help our children become the adults they dream they can be.

Below is the content of the curriculum for each year group. It also includes unit and subject overviews. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact school and ask to speak to Mrs Little.

Here are the Super 7's- 7 experiences, each year for every child!

Early Years Curriculum

 long term plan EYFS Nursery 21-22.pdfDownload
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 long term plan EYFS reception 21-22.doc.pdfDownload
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Curriculum Overview Year One to Six


Subject Overviews

 Art and Design Overview 22-23.docxDownload
 Computing Overview (20-21).pdfDownload
 D & T Overview 20-21.pdfDownload
 Geography Content 20-21.pdfDownload
 History Overview 21-22.docxDownload
 Languages overview 22-23.docxDownload
 Music Overview.pdfDownload
 PE Long Term.pdfDownload
 PSHE 1decision-progression-route-.pdfDownload
 Science curriculum 2022-23.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10
 History Overview 22-23.docxDownload
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