Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Content
  3. Design Technology

Design Technology


Curriculum Information

Welcome to Clayton Brook Primary School  Design and Technology Curriculum page, we hope that you find some useful information  and what to expect from D&T being taught at Clayton Brook.

Our D&T Team is Mrs Monks (Subject Lead) and Mrs Danyardi supported by D&T Subject Ambassador, Harley (Year 4).

Our D and T vision is to creatively design and make products that solve real and relevant problems.

Vision and principles for Design and Technology at Clayton Brook Primary School.

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Overview - Long Term Plan 

DT around school....


There will be lots of DT learning this term and the DT Subject Team are looking to meet the children to discuss their learning in the coming weeks.

Primary Engineering Project in Association with BAXI engineering.

Celebration Event at Preston College - the children’s models were tested and they enjoyed interviews with the engineers.

Congratulations Team Repunzel for winning the Creative Award.

Summer Term

Year 1 -Structures 

Year 2 - Healthy Eating 

Healthy Food Plate

Year 3 - Mechanical Systems 

Year 4 - Structures

Year 5 - Structures 

Year 6 - Textiles

Spring Term

Year 1 - Food

Brilliant Beginning - Hungry Caterpillar Smoothie

Jo (Asda Community Champion) helped us to describe fruits and vegetables and explain how to identify fruits.

Food - Our Senses.

Making a smoothie

Year 2. - Textiles 

We made a seed bag for Mr McGregor. We used a number joining techniques to make the bag these included; safety pins, glue and staples. 

Year 3 - Structures

Year 3 have designed castles and worked together in a group to make them.

Here are the finished castles - we hope you like them!

Year 4 - Structures

Year 5 - Food

Year 6 - Electrical Systems 

Autumn Term

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Children have access to a variety of resources during Continuous Provision that helps to develop and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding when designing and making within their play.  

Construction Area - Children have access to a variety of construction kits where they can build, join, stack, balance, and adapt their own constructions.

Craft Area -children have the opportunity to use a variety of tools and techniques and processes and select and combine using a variety of materials.

Busy  Fingers -The children use tools and techniques used for Design and Technology Such as scissors, punches, threading, sewing, hammering to develop those most important fine motor skills.

Large Outdoor Construction -Outside the children have access to a wide variety of large scale resources such as crates, planks, tyres and drain pipes giving them an opportunity to design, make, adapt, problem solve, modify and put structures to the test together alongside their peers

Year 1 - Mechanisms

Rabbit in a hat - exploring a slider mechanism

Moving picture -The Gingerbread Man

Moving firework pictures.

Moving Nursery Rhyme book for Reception children. 

Luke has shown a great interest in Mechanisms.  He chose a book with sliders from the library.  

Year 1 have a made a great Nursery Rhyme book for Reception.  The children enjoyed sharing their books during Nursery Rhyme Week. 

Moving Angels.

Year 2- Structures

Brilliant Beginning - make a lighthouse 

Exploring stability.

Exploring strength

The children made an excellent pier for the Isle of Struay.

Christmas Tree Super Structure

Year 3 - Food

Year 3 children enjoyed a trip to Cobble Hey Farm.  They enjoyed preparing, cooking and eating a healthy lunch.  All the ingredients were from the farm and the local area. 

Seasonal Apple Crumble - apples harvested from our school orchard.

Year 4 - Electrical Systems 

Year 5 - Mechanical Systems

Year 5 Structures - Bridges

Year 6 - Food

Starter - Chicken and Noodle Soup