Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Year 3
  3. Look at us learning

Look at us learning

What are we doing in class?

During the year you will be able to see what we are doing in class, as well as what children do independently at home.

Over the last two weeks we have been finding out what life is like in Tanzania, as Mrs. Walkingshaw's niece Amber was out there doing voluntary work. Yesterday we had a zoom meeting with her where we got to ask her questions about what she has been doing and what she enjoyed.

In Art, we have linked our 3D drawing skills to our History topic of Ancient Egypt.

In Music this week, we have listened and appraised a Reggae song and reminded ourselves of our musical vocabulary.

We have also enjoyed singing our song.

In Music, we have composed our own tune linked to Three Little Birds.

Our new English unit is Playscripts.  We have worked in groups to prepare a playscript, giving feedback to our peers to help them improve.

We have performed our plays, after making improvements.

In Art, we have created monochrome paintings in the style of Richard Travis Christian.  The paintings are linked to our History topic about Ancient Egypt.

Here we are with our finished pneumatic toys. We visited Year 1 to let them see what we had made. Have a go at home, they are quite simple to make!

The sun was shining for our Sport's Day and we had a great time too!  Thank you to everyone that came to watch. Here we all are with our certificates.

In Geography, we have been using an atlas and finding out the names of rivers and the name of the sea that they flow into.

In Music, we have been improvising with our glockenspiels.

Here is the second lot of pictures from our amazing day at Martin Mere. The children have activities to do about nature, if they do any please take a picture nd email it to me or Mrs. Sheffield so that we can create a display outside the classroom.

Last week we had an amazing day at Martin Mere Wetland Centre. The children were thoroughly engaged listening to Beth our helper from Martin Mere, when she was talking about all of the bird life they help support.

The children also met Ava who was part of the story we heard before we went. There are activities for the children to complete at home too, revolving around nature. Please take pictures and send them to me or Mrs Sheffield of the children completing the activities.

Have a look below at some gorgeous pictures. Look out for more coming soon.

In Art, we started with white paint then gradually added colour to create a colour chart.

In Geography, we have been discussing the local area and how the land is used.  We have also been discussing the local rivers too.

In Music, we have added instruments to our performance of Three Little Birds.  We practiced the easy and medium parts first.


Today we had a go at playing five bat cricket and for once the sun was shinning so we could do the activity outside. Have a look at the pictures that Reece took during part of the session. 

In Art, we have looked at the work of Frank Bowling and tried to choose colours to replicate his work using paint.

In Music, we have started to learn the song Three Little Birds.

We have had some amazing entries for our egg decorating competition this year.

In Music, we have learnt the words crotchet, minim, semibreve, dynamics, pitch and tempo.  We have also played crotchets, minims and semibreves using the notes D, E and F.

World Book Day 

Thanks to all the parents and guardians who sent the children in some amazing outfits today. We have been writing a new chapter to our favourite books. 


Well done all of Year 3 and congratulations to Igor T and Greyson who won the best costume, dressed as Sherlock Holms and Dr. Watson, in the World Book Day parade for Year 3 .

We have designed castles in Design Technology and have started to make them as a group.

Here are our finished castles.

On Monday 26th February, we took part in a yoga session.  The focus was kindness and we really enjoyed it.

In Music we have been learning how to read music and play the glockenspiel - we have been improvising too.

We have researched Greta Thunberg as part of our Theme Week - 'Who runs the world?'  We are finding out about wonderful women and girls making positive changes in the world.

We have had a brilliant day today. We went on a litter pick, ready for next weeks Theme Week entitled 'Who runs the world?

We have also created artwork similar to the artist we are studying Andy Goldsworthy. He uses nature to create images and that's exactly what we have done too, have a look below. The display will be up outside Year 3 next week, make sure to have a look next time you are in school.

In PE on a Tuesday, we have created an Ironman Dance.  We have worked well in our groups too.

We enjoyed our Dodgeball session today - we improved our skills throughout the lesson.

We had great fun in the snow today.  We were set a challenge of building a snowman.  Mr Farina made this a competition.  We all worked well as a team - we hope you like our snowman!

Happy New Year and we hope you have had a lovely break.

PE for the next term is on Tuesday and Friday. We will be learning how to play netball on Fridays and it will be outside, so please make sure your child has jogging bottoms to put on or leggings as it can get quite cold. 


We will be learning how to weigh objects in Maths and reading the class novel Stig of the dump in English. 

We had a great time at our Christmas party on Tuesday 19th December!

On Monday 18th December, Helen Young (a local author) came to read a story from her published book. She was very impressed with how well we listened.

This week we have been very busy. We have learnt how to recite poetry using expression and intonation. We have also made rocking Santa's/Snowmen using recycled bottle tops. On Friday we played times table snowball fighting. The children really enjoyed themselves. 

On Friday we went to Burnley Youth Theatre to watch Peter Pan. We all had a brilliant time and the actors were amazing. I think some of the children now want to become actors; go for it, the world is your oyster Year 3

Well done to Martin who got the highest score in TTRS and got a prize. Below you can see homework that both Martin and Shantel did to improve their timetables and Maths skills. WHO WILL WIN THIS WEEKS PRIZE?

We have had another really busy week. In Design and technology we used seasonal vegetables to make our tarts, they were really tasty.

Have  a look below at some of the lessons we have been doing over the last few weeks, including the laying of the wreath for Remembrance Day. In Science we created bar graphs from the results of our investigation and Jamie showed us some of his art work that he had done at home.

We have also enjoyed learning how to ride our scooters safely last week. On Friday we visited the library and completed a litter pick on the way back to school. Year 3 say "Take your litter home - don't be a litter bug!"

On Monday, we took part in a Dance Workshop - it was great fun!

In English, we have been retelling fables to help us to understand them.

We have also researched animals to help us to understand new characters and their traits.

We have looked at facts about Blackpool and organised them using subheadings.  This is to help with our Unit about Non-Chronological Reports.

Jamie and Davis have been working hard with their Arithmetic skills. Well done.

Today, we went to visit the library to choose some books. On the way back we thought we would help our community by doing a litter pick. Mrs. Dwyer's team won . Well done all of Year 3 you worked hard to help keep your community clean

In Geography, we have been learning about The United Kingdom and London.  We have looked at maps and learnt the Ordnance Survey symbols.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see some amazing pictures from our trip to the farm today.

This week we have made apple crumble using the apples off the trees in the school grounds. I think they enjoyed it by the look on their faces, especially with the ice cream and custard. We have some super chefs in the form of Oscar and Karol.

We had lots of fun last week making fruit skewers using fruit that can be grown in Asia. This week we are looking at using fruit that is grown in this country and making an apple crumble. The apples are actually from the apple tree in the school grounds. Look out for pictures to come soon.

Here are a couple of websites that we use in class. They are all free and do not require login details other than the ones your child has been given from school.

Hit the button (Maths for all levels)

Maths games - 

TTRS (Maths) Login details from class teacher

Wordwall ( English , lots of grammar games) 

English games -

Today we had a lot of fun learning basketball skills with Andy , in the rain !!!!

In English, we have been acting out a conversation between two characters to help us when writing.

In Music, we have started to learn a new song.  Have a listen.

We have added instruments to our performance.

We used the glockenspiels to copy rhythms and continued to practice singing our song.

In History, we have been comparing maps of Clayton Brook to look at the changes over time.

Mrs Gilmour came to talk to us about how Clayton Brook has changed.  She has lived here for more than 40 years!

Today we have had a lovely day at Cobble Hey Farm. We petted some animals and cooked our own lunch. Have a look at your amazing children having fun.