Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Year 1
  3. Look at us learning

Look at us learning


Autumn 1


The children celebrated writing their own versions of the Gingerbread Man by designing and baking their own!!

We learnt all about the Artic and Antarctica in our geography lessons. We then used our knowledge to produce non-chronological reports.  

Our posters, against the development of the school field.


We have been using cubes and tens frames, to help us count and add numbers up to ten.


During our gymnastic lessons, we have been practising our routines, which include: walks, jumps, stretches and rolls. We really enjoyed 'Basketball Day' too!


Noah’s Ark

DT -Structures

Making a windmill.

Art and Design

We are artists in Year 1!! Through our topic, 'Changes', we have been drawing and using the media of oil pastels to create self-portraits and portraits in the style of Modigliani.

DT - Food 

Learn to distinguish between fruit and vegetables and where they grow. Design a fruit and vegetable smoothie and accompanying packaging.  A big thank you to Jo Asda Community Champion who has supported our DT this term.

We made our favourite smoothie.  Thank you to Jo for your help and  providing the ingredients.  

RE - Clayton Community Church visited Year 1 and talked about Baptism.

Creation - 

Earth is in my hand. 

Our first week in Year 1

RE - year 1 had a visit from Clayton Brook Community to talk about Baptism.


This week, we have enjoyed listening to traditional tales. We have been using role-play to help us retell the story of the Gingerbread man. The children have enjoyed making the gingerbread man out of play-dough and building farm houses out of leggo. 













In art we have been using clay to make models of castle towers.


We enjoy our DT lessons with Mrs Monks.

Mechanisms -Moving People

Exploring and making a slider mechanism.

Moving stories - The Gingerbread Man 

Moving Firework Pictures.

The children have made a moving Nursery Rhyme book for the Reception Class.  Next week we will share our book with the younger children. 

Year 1 enjoyed celebrating Nursery Rhyme Week with Reception. 

Whoops-a-Daisy Angel with moving wings. 


On Tuesday the church wardens from Clayton Brook Community Church visited Year 1. They read the Nativity story and afterwards there was an opportunity for the children retell story and dress up in some of the special costumes.


As part of our theme week 'Against All Odds' we enjoyed meeting Hannah, a professional cricketer, who taught us how to play cricket.


We have been using our knowledge of colouring mixing to paint pictures of castles.


This half-term we will be having a dance lesson with the P.E coach each week. We really enjoyed our first session!


We have been enjoying the story 'Nobot' in our English lessons. We have made predictions, written diary entries as the main characters and retold the story through drama and story maps.


In PSHE we have been learning about the emotion jealousy. We have been recognising our own strengths and comparing them with our partners.


We have been enjoying our P.E. lessons outdoors in the lovely spring weather!


In maths we have been learning about fractions. We have been discovering halves and quarters of shapes and amounts.


Exploring axles and wheels.

Exploring how the axle and axle holder works. 

Hoghton Tower

We had a fantastic trip to Hoghton Tower this week. We had a tour of the castle, including the underground tunnels, took part in a knighting ceremony and learnt about the Tower's famous visitors, including the Duke of Edinburgh. 


We have identified the four countries of the UK, named the capital cities plus located four famous castles. 

Creating a map with symbols and a key. 

We have learning about direction and using the compass to locate North,South,East and West. 

Yoga Day 


We have enjoyed learning the song Your Imagination.  Listen to us singing!

We have started to learn the song called Your Imagination.

We have enjoyed playing glockenspiels this week.


Our computing unit this half term is iData. We have been making digital pictograms.

World Book Day



We have learnt about the artist Claude Monet and painted our own poppies in his style.


We have been exploring materials and went on a walk to see what we could find.

We have been learning about plants. We followed instructions to plant our seeds and enjoyed watching our cress grow.

We have learnt the names of the parts of a flowering plant.  We used our magnifying glasses to look at the petals, stem, leaves and roots of garden plants.

For our "Fabulous Finish" in Science, we went on a walk to spot wild and garden plants, deciduous and evergreen trees.  We found all of them and had a great time too!


We have been recreating Van Gogh's famous 'Sunflowers'.


We have been using software called 'Paintz' to create digital drawings of The Enormous Turnip.


We have been using non-standard units of measurement such as paper clips, rubbers and our hands to measure items around the classroom.


We are becoming confident, independent writers!


We love our relaxation session at the end of our P.E lessons, using our deep breathing and stillness techniques.


Our computing unit this half term has been 'iModel'. We have been enjoying learning about computer models, using them to make choices during games and then creating our own models.


This term our topic is 'Growth and Green Fingers'. We have been enjoying reading and retelling the story of The Enormous Turnip.

Geography -Fieldwork 

The children have been exploring the UK countries and capitals.  Next week we will meet Barnaby Bear who enjoys travelling around the UK. 

Barnaby Bear has travelled to all 4 capitals of the UK. During the next few  weeks  he will be travelling to the 7 continents around the world.

Messy Maps - Map of the classroom.

Messy Maps - Map of the playground.

We devise a simple map of the playground and used directional language ( near, next to, left and right).

DT - Gardening 

We planted garlic and spring bulbs ready for next year. 

Year 1 enjoyed a tasting and sorting activity to decide whether a certain food was fruit or vegetable.  

We have started spring gardening and hopefully we will have a crop of homegrown fruit and vegetables .This has helped the children understand where fruit and vegetables are grown whether underground, above ground or on trees or vines.

Thank you Jo (Asda Community Champion) who visited Year 1 and provided a range fruit and vegetable ingredients for Smoothies. 


We all had a fantastic time at our Christmas party and Christmas dinner.


In art we have been studying the work of Modigliani. We have recreated his famous portrait 'Jeanne'.


We enjoy using the iPads in our computing lessons. We have learnt what an algorithm is and have been using them in our programming lessons.


We have been retelling our innovated stories based on our class book, 'Lost and Found' in preparation for writing our new stories.


In history we have been sorting toys in to old and new. We looked at what they were made of and how they worked.

Letters and sounds

In letters and sounds we have been using our new sounds in sentences.

Outdoor Education - There’s No ‘I’ In Team 


We have enjoyed learning about the different senses.  We used our senses to touch, hear, smell, see and taste a variety of objects.


We enjoyed moving to the pulse, in our warm-up game.


We enjoyed learning a new dance on Monday with the coach.


We have been looking at a range of non-chronological reports in preparation for writing our own. The children found lots of interesting facts during their research, including that a shark can have 300 teeth!


We created algorithms for building a Lego tower. We then worked in groups to test and debug our algorithms.


We have been learning and performing traditional rhymes!


We enjoyed a toy museum as part of our history lessons. We looked at the differences between old and new toys, some of the toys were 100 years old!


The children have been fully immersed in the story of The Gingerbread Man. Here they were retelling the story using drama and props before preparing to plan and write their own versions of the story.


We have been working hard in P.E. this week.


We have been exploring numbers to 10, including 0.

Design and Technology 

We have been exploring mechanisms ready to make a moving book. 



We have been looking at the local area and where we live. 

We have been learning about hot countries around the world. 

We have been locating the North and South Pole and the Equator.

Our first week in Year 1 

This week we have been exploring our new classroom.