Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Year 2
  3. Look at us learning

Look at us learning

Our trip

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Liverpool World Museum!


In English we are reading the book 'The Man on the Moon'. We have been using Word Hippo to look up the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.


We have enjoyed making seaside collages.


We enjoyed following instructions to make Easter nests. We then wrote our own instructions.


In maths we have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes.


In computing we have been learning how to use Powerpoint.



We are learning about the 7 continents of the world.  Year 2 are enjoying listening to the world weather forecast, read by our chosen weather reporter for the day. 


Cricket with Andy and Beth.


We can control the ball using forehand and back hand.  The children learning how to serve the ball ready for a match. 

D.T Food and Nutrition

Healthy Wraps.


Thank you to Jo Asda’s Community Champion for your help and support.

Science - Materials and their properties

Posters about materials and their properties. 

Music - Friendship Song

Clapping a rhythm.

R.E - Judaism 

The Birth of Moses


In maths we have been learning about money. We enjoyed making our own shops.

Fire safety

We enjoyed a visit from the fire brigade to learn all about fire safety. We even got to the see their fire engine!


We have been using clay to make sculptures based upon the works of Jeff Koons.

World Book Day


We have been investigating mass using kilograms and grams.



We have been using metre sticks to find things in the classroom that are more or less than a metre.


We have investigated what plants need to survive this includes; light,air,water, nutrients and space to grow. 

Seeds and germination

Habitats and Micro-habitats

Home Challenge - Habitats in a box 


We enjoyed Dance with Beth, funky moves for Friday afternoon. 

Fantastic Friday moves with Beth. 

Yoga Workshop with Tanya and Beth.

Supertato Gymnastics




Christian symbols.

Belonging - we discussed what it means to feel like you fit in.  When you belong you feel like you are in the right place.  We talked about feeling  part of a family, school, clubs outside school, church and the temple.

Thank you to Clayton Brook Church, we really enjoyed our visit.

DT - Textiles

We made a seed bag for Mr McGregor. We used a number joining techniques to make the bag these included; safety pins, glue and staples. 

Easter Bunny Puppet


We used leaves to print a repeating pattern.


We created our own multiplication board games.


The children worked together to research facts about different animals for their new story.


The children have been working hard to learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


We took our learning outdoors during art to create rubbings of different surfaces.


We followed instructions to play a pairs matching game.


We have experimented with colour mixing to create shades.

We used chalk pastels to create firework pictures. First, we chose two colours to create a repeating pattern. Then, we covered the pattern with black. Finally, we scratched firework shapes into the chalk pastel.


We have been using manipulatives to support us with addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers.


We have enjoyed our gymnastics unit in our PE lessons.


As part of our animation unit, we have made our own flip books!


This term we have been investigating the place value of 2 digit numbers using practical resources.


We enjoyed showing our grown-ups everything that we have learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and making Guy Fawkes with them.


We have been learning how to tie our shoe laces!


We enjoyed our basketball session with Andy. The children quickly picked up the skill of moving with the ball.


Dance Workshop with Beth.

20th Century Playground Games; Toilet Tig, Duck,Duck,Goose and Piggy in the Middle.



Human and physical features of our local area.

 A map and key of the Isle of Struay.

A Map of the Isle of Struay. 


Living, dead and never alive scavenger hunt.

Life Cycles

Enter text...

Stranded on a desert island- What do we need to survive ?


Religious Education 

Christianity -God.  Does how we treat the world matter?

The Creation Story

After listening to All Things Bright and Beautiful we identified the beliefs and values contained in these words.


The children enjoyed making Barfi sweets for our Diwali celebration.  Also we thought of some interesting questions so we could ask Sriindira during the Hot Seat session.  

On Thursday the church wardens from Clayton Brook Community Church visited Year 2 and we made a Christingle and talked about the symbolism of the special candle.    Thank you to Jo (Asda's Community Champion) for donating the Christingle packs. 

Jesus Light of the World.


Brilliant Beginning - make a structure; a lighthouse for the Isle of Struay

Exploring stability in readiness to make a structure.

Exploring strength of a structure.

We made a pier for Isle of Struay.  Katie Morag will be very pleased, Well Done Year 2. 

Christmas Super Structure

Forest School Afternoon