Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Year 3
  3. Homework

Year 3 Homework 

Here is where the homework will be every week.

5th July Homework 

Homework this week is to practice their timetables. We will be having a timetable test next week, including all of them up to 12 x 12 

 20 June.docxDownload
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Well here are the pictures of  the children and Mrs Walkingshaw and Mrs Sheffield reading in unusual places, it all looks like they had a lot of fun. Well done Thomas, reading on the gun of a tank is definitely unusual! Nathan really did find several unusual places to read and Sienna  enjoyed reading upside down on a piece of gymnastics equipment.

Well done to everyone who completed this task.

Easter Homework

We hope you have a lovely break. Homework for the children over the holidays is;

  • Read in an unusual place 
  • Help your child learn how to fasten shoe laces.

Please email any pictures of your child reading to either myself (  or Mrs Sheffield (

Well done to those children who have  decorated eggs for the competition next week and brought them into school. Pictures will be here next week.

Congratulations to Honey, Millie and Jamie for winning an Easter egg.  

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Please make sure you are helping your child with their spellings and guided reading task. Extra work at home makes a massive difference to what the children can achieve. Keep working hard Year 3.

Half terms homework was to make a model of Stonehenge or draw a picture. Y3 have created some lovely pictures which have been made into a book and Sienna found out some facts as well. Next time you are in school why not have a look at the display in the foyer. Thanks to all the adults that helped create the models. 

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Well done to Karol and Lena who created Stonehenge using a variety of materials. Super homework , well done 

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Well done to Millie who has created her own volcano at home, following on from our Geography lessons where we have been studying them.

Congratulations to Sienna who has been awarded her level 10 badge in gymnastics. Well done Sienna 

Homework this week is for the children to practice the spellings and definitions from their topic pages which are in their homework folders. If they cant find them i have put one below here.

 Key Vocab Sheet - Quiz Prep - Copy.docxDownload
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Congratulations to Havana who entered a gymnastics competition and won two 1st place medals. Well done Havana from all of Year 3.

Homework Task for the next three weeks - The children are being challenged to make a Christmas decoration at home, that we can use to  decorate our classroom with; they will bring them home when we close for the Christmas holidays. 

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Wow, look how much Math Martin has been doing at home to improve his adding and subtracting skills. Well done.

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Please help your child practice their 4 times tables this week, why not have a race to see who can write them out quickest.

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Here are some web site links for you to use with your child/ren

They cover lots of subjects and we often use them in the classroom.  You do need to register for this site, but it is free.  

TTRS - Practicing timetables 

Fun KS2 Interactive Maths Games - KS2 Resources - Twinkl